Puja vacation

In the middle of my month-long Puja vacation. Not much to do right now.

I intend to study hard the rest of the hols. Apart from that, on my list is a plan to visit my school St. Lawrence to have a dekko at the table tennis board there. I also have plans to have some group discussion sessions with friends, always a very good way to learn, in fact.

For the time being, I am following a rather boring routine – study, eat & sleep. I can’t go out as it is raining incessantly for the past two days, enough for the roads to get water-logged.. The meteorology office has held a low-pressure development over Bay of Bengal responsible for it.

These days I am reading Bankimchandra in my leisure. I am not a great fan of his but I like those novels based on historical events of Bengal and India as I get to know a lot from them. I read ‘Rajsingha’ 4 years ago, found it really absorbing.

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