Reading Spree

In all my school years it never really struck me that I can actually get books from the bookstalls along the footpaths of Golpark. As this revelation dawned on me, I have been a regular customer there. The books there are a steal if you can strike a good deal.

You may choose to buy or borrow. I of course choose the latter. For FPS by Chetan Bhagat and another novel by Sidney Sheldon, (It’s not that I am a great Sheldon fan. I have never read Sheldon before and wanted to try) I was charged Rs. 110. On returning them I got back Rs. 85! The books are either secondhand purchases or illegal prints. While reading the Sheldon book, I found several pages missing in two places which was really disturbing. I had to download a PDF to read the missing parts.

When I borrowed Angels & Demons and Outbreak, I had to pay by Rs. 150 which I din’t expect. The books I returned have already made Rs. 85 and I needed to cough up 65 rupees more which I didn’t have. Taken aback, I asked the man to exclude one book stating my problem. He then asked me how much I had and satisfied himself with the lone fifty-rupees-note I had, leaving me walking my way back home.

Last week, I got Digital Fortress and The Other Side of Me. I am still reading them.

Cross-posted on Bong Buzz

10 responses to “Reading Spree”

  1. Ahh… the digital god to the rescue again. The prices you mentioned is very cheap indeed. For instance, the real version of Da Vinci Code (bought from Landmark) cost me 200 rupees alone. Got to go to Golpark.

  2. I also like reading but only tech books /magazines.
    I just dont understand what is interesting in the type of books you mentioned.
    May be I am not that smart or not that dumb.

  3. Hey try out Sidney Sheldon’s Dooms Day Conspiracy you will love it.Try also Google Story you shall find my review here.
    I havent read Robin Cook books how r they????……..I hv heard that they are more into medicinal stuff r they????

    hey by the way its spelt “sidney” not “sydney” 😀

  4. hey..i m lookin for the other side of me by sidney ebook format..can neone plz mail me on ‘’

  5. […] Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. In normal circumstances I get my books from Golpark but these books are worth collecting I thought. Could not resist buying them […]

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