After MBBS, PHC Calling

Stethescope The government has made it mandatory for all medical students to serve in the rural areas for one year after internship in an attempt to ensure a steady flow of physicians to the remote villages where doctors are usually hesitant to go. This means that after the five-and-a-half years of MBBS (4.5 years study + 1 year internship) we will have to go to a Primary Health Centre in some remote corner of the state.

7 responses to “After MBBS, PHC Calling”

  1. WHile I agree that it is beneficial from the point of a medical student to work in PHC (you will learn the art of practice), I disagree with your logic of 9 Lakhs

    That is what we have been forced to believe

    See here

    I repeat, I am one of the strongest advocates of the Rural Posting as it is immensely beneficial to the students. Even if that is not compulsary, I would advice my juniors to work in villages/small towns for atleast one year to know the challenges you are going to face in future in your profession.

    But please don’t get fooled by the 8 lakh theory !!!

  2. our doctors will die before completing their education ,first provide d health ,facilities in villages,then talk about this .Every one is playing with d doctors nowdays

  3. PHC=প্রাইমারী হেল্থ সেন্টার

    ভাবতে হবে –

    বাসস্থান গ্রুপ-“এ” অফিসার এর মর্যাদা সম্পন্ন হওয়া প্রয়োজন ।
    নিরাপত্তা বাড়ানো দরকার ।
    বদলীর স্বছ্বতা দরকার ।

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