Author: nipon

  • Happy New Year!

    Wish you all a Happy New Year! Let 2006 be your annus mirabilis! Here are my New Year resolutions — taken from my diary, things that I have been kept telling myself throughout 2005.  Realisations of yesteryear become resolutions of new year.

  • How to write in Bengali

    Thanks to Unicode, we can write in Bengali. I use a very nice software Avro Keyword which is fully unicode-compliant. 🙂 It sits pretty on your screen as a sleek toolbar. Supports Windows 2000, XP and 2003 – as the previous versions of Windows don’t have adequate support for unicode. It also includes the UniBijoy…

  • How I protect my computer

    With viruses, trojans, malwares, spywares… abound and hackers on the prowl, the internet is not a safe place. I use the following softwares to fortify my rig. Antivirus Avast Home 4.6 (Freeware) This lightweight yet very effective antivirus — free for home users — is serving me for about a year and I am impressed.…

  • Winter is here

    Winter is here. One can already feel the chill in air. It’s only early November and already I am finding it quite difficult to get up from bed in the morning.

  • Politicians to sit for test 😉

    Many a times we hear a cry that politicians should retire, at a certain fixed age like other professions. This is a well justified demand. We can expect the people who govern the country to be efficient. But then a pertinent question arises – what should be the ideal age when a politician should retire.…

  • Puja vacation

    In the middle of my month-long Puja vacation. Not much to do right now. I intend to study hard the rest of the hols. Apart from that, on my list is a plan to visit my school St. Lawrence to have a dekko at the table tennis board there. I also have plans to have…

  • How I spent this Puja

    This Pujas, I had no big plans. Hang out with school friends – that was all I had in my mind. It was in the Sasthee morning when we started our pandal-hopping spree. A Tata Sumo was hired and we gorged through the streets of Kolkata. There were 10 of us, good old friends of…

  • SMPS down

    My cabinet was groaning for some days and yesterday my computer went off for good. I guessed the SMPS has went wrong. Fortunately my old Pentium 4 system has most of its parts intact, I took out its SMPS and fitted into my current system. And voila! here goes my PC running again 🙂

  • Weird Thought

    I was just wondering about this… When one dies, his material properties are inherited by his successors. That is good. But what happens to his online belongings? Will no one ever open the dead person’s mailbox and it will be shut down one day forever when the user inactivity period is over? His descendants will…

  • Broadband for me

    Yesterday I got the BSNL broadband connection. Oh boy, what great speed! My download times have decreased ten times at least and not to say, superfast page loads. I am really impressed. I chose the Home 500 plan that gives me a monthly bandwith usage limit of 1 GB and a speed of 256 kbps…